Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Devil in the White City Blog 3

The Chicago World's Fair of 1893 changed America by showing the world that America is capable of competing with the rest of the world. The Fair was a success and a tribute to American ingenuity and perseverance.  We did what most--literally most--didn't think we could do despite more obstacles and in the midst of more pressure than one can even imagine.  So the World's Fair changed the world's perception of America.  No one thought the Paris Fair  could be outdone, but it was.  Another change which occurred as a result of this Fair was a more positive image of Chicago in the East, and particularly the residents of New York. 
Lasting inventions that the fair introduced into American culture was electricity using AC current, the Ferris wheel, cracker jacks, ice skating rinks, abundant toilets, and clean water. Without the World's Fair, it may have taken a lot longer for AC current to be integrated into American society. Before the World's Fair, DC current was the prominent form of electricity. However it had many negative characteristics and wasn't very safe. The Fair was the first real test for AC current, and it passed with flying colors. The fair showed the world that AC current was the superior form of electricity, and encouraged others to implement electricity into their cities. Also the Ferris Wheel became very popular after this. The Chicago World's Fair was the first time a Ferris wheel was ever built, and the idea has stuck around. Even nowadays people can still find Ferris wheels at local fairs.
There was also many figures that were critically influenced by the Fair. One is Burnham who became a very famous and influential architect for many buildings around the country after the World's Fair. Also Walt Disney's father was a part of the fair, and his ideas greatly influenced Walt Disney. Walt probably obtained many ideas for Disney Land from the Chicago World's Fair. Another person was Nikola Tesla who invented alternative current, and used the World's Fair to prove to the world that AC current is superior. Also Tesla's rival Thomas Edison was influenced by the Fair, because he was able to show knew inventions such as the motion picture system that was daubed at the Fair. He used a kinetoscope as a machine for film projection. His invention was used for many years after. Europe also used Edison's invention to create the first movie theaters. Of course George Ferris became very famous during the World's Fair. He was the engineer from Pittsburg that invented the Ferris wheel. His invention helped increase attendance to the Chicago World's Fair and he also earned a lot of money. The main goal of the Ferris Wheel was to "out Eifel, Eifel," which many people believe he did. His famous design is still in use today. Another person that gained fame was Buffalo Bill, who hosted a very popular show. He may not have been allowed to do the show inside the Fair, be he did it just outside the Fair, and his show became very popular. 

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