In a way the Chicago World fair was an exhibition of arrogance. When first determining which city should host the world fair, all the cities had a great pride that their city was the best choice. Not only that but they also believed that they could successfully complete in the World Fair in the short amount of time given, and they believed that they could create a World Fair that would surpass Frances'. So yes everyone needed to be a little arrogant to actually believe that they had the ability to produce the World Fair that they dreamed about. When constructing the World Fair, the leaders were constantly pushing the workers to work faster and harder, so that they could complete the fair on time. The main reason for this is that they didn't want to damage their pride. They believed they could complete the fair, and would do anything to make sure it is completed on time. They also had so much pride that they believed they could find millions of dollars to spend on the construction of the Chicago World Fair. Not only that, but they also believed that they could drawn in so many visitors, that the fair would make a profit. This is all based on their pride. They had no facts that this could all be done, they just believed that is could and that believe came from their pride. Another thing they "had" to do was "out Eifel, Eifel." They constantly talk about that. At first the main reason for this fair was to celebrate Columbus' discovery of America, so what would "out Eifeling, Eifel" do. That is all based on pride, that America must beat the French to prove that America's engineers are superior to the rest of the world.
There creative acts did engender a darker, destructive parallel mainly because of the reason that they were rushing everything. When rushing construction that is just asking for bad things to go wrong. However the architects had no other choice. They had to rush everything if they were going to see the World Fair completed. This shows more arrogance, because they had such great pride that they could complete an extravagant Fair in such little time. They also believed they could construct the Fair on not the greatest foundation. All this was due to their hubris. The Fair engendered a "darker, destructive parallel," also because they tried building during their very harsh winters. They needed to complete the Fair on time, so that required them to work through the winter. However the harsh weather constantly destroyed buildings, causing them to have to repair. Many times the killed or injured workers. When things are rushed, destructive traits always follow. Since things aren't being built with the greatest materials and designs, the weather easily can destroy the buildings and force the construction back. Also rushing things also brings a darker parallel, because this causes many people to die. When things are rushed, safety isn't that important and many mistakes can be easily made. Mistakes in construction usually leads to injuries or death.
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