Sunday, August 22, 2010

Blog 6 "Who's Really Happier"

The average person looks at an overweight person in a negative way, but lets really think this through. Most overweight people became overweight because they ate too much fattening food or deserts. Which personally I think is the best food. That means that the overweight people spend most of their life eating the best tasting food, while the skinny people on diets eat salads all day. Now I know that overweight people probably won't live as long as people on diets, but which life is better. Wouldn't be better to have a fun 60 years of eating junk food, other than a miserable 90 years of eating salads. Overweight people don't have to think if they should eat a food or not, they just eat it, while people on diets would have to resist the temptation of eating junk food.

Blog 5 "The Box Man"

"The Box Man" raises some very important questions. Is conformity a bad thing? I personally think it is. If people are constantly acting to seem appealing to someone else, then they aren't acting like themselves. I would hate to see the whole world acting the same, just to please society. People should live how they want to live, and they should stop caring about what other people think. Now I agree that people should still have morals. People shouldn't act really rude and arrogant, just to be different. People should think for themselves, and make decisions based on their person feelings.

High schoolers live by conformity way too much. The majority of high school students are worried about what other students think of them. They try to do anything to make them seem appealing to their peers. They don't act like themselves because they want to be accepted, and they think if they act differently than the majority, they wont be accepted. If students want to get far in life they need to start thinking for themselves.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Blog 4 Babies and Dogs

Babies and Dogs are very similar. They both love attention. Dogs will bark to get attention, and babies will cry. They both like to lay with the parents. Both can't feed themselves. They drool everywhere. They can go to the bathroom where ever they like. They both like to chew on things. They speak a language only they can understand. Also They both get very jealous if they are not getting all the attention.

However they are not completely similar. Dogs have a much shorter life expectancy than babies do. Babies will grow very fast and will learn to walk on two legs. Babies will also learn how to talk. Babies will learn how to feed themselves, and how to use the toilet. A dog's sense of smell is much better than a baby's. 

At first a baby may seem very much like a dog, even though they are different species. However babies will grow and will start acting a lot more evolved than dogs.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Blog 3 Guns Germs and Steel

Guns Germs and Steel was published in 1997 by Jared Diamond. This book greatly describes the last 13,000 years of humans. However the main purpose of this book is to explain, why Eurasian civilizations were able to prosper and conquer many civilizations. Diamond refuses to belief that Eurasians were genetically superior, or more intelligent that any other civilizations. Throughout the book Diamond explains why he believes Eurasians were able to produce technologies faster than any other civilizations. In a very broad explanation, Diamond believes Eurasians were able to prosper because they had "Guns Germs and Steel." This book is very well written and will teach the reader many things about history. This book is a must read.

Monday, August 16, 2010

My Nonfiction Literary History

All But My Life by Gerda Weissmann Klein "Just after having lost her husband, Aunt Anna saw her nineteen-year-old son taken away. The men were lined up, and every tenth one was shot."
This showed me that during the Holocaust, things went from bad to worse, and there was no happiness at all.

Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank "I wander from room to room, climb up and down the stairs and feel like a songbird whose wings have been ripped off and who keeps hurling itself against the bars of its dark cage. 'Let me out, where there's fresh air and laughter!' a voice within me cries."

Universe in a Nutshell. "We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the Universe. That makes us something very special."


My name is Pierre Archambeau. I'm 16 and am currently attending Vacaville High School as a Junior. I am really committed to school and swimming. I am swimming all the time. I am on the high school team and the city team. I also love to eat.