Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Blog 2 Sun Also Rises

Romero's whole performance is based on grace. All his movements flow and he never jerks or makes any sudden movements. He gets really close to the bull making the crowd feel the danger. However he has great confidence and skill that he is never scared, and is able to continue getting really close to the bull and then escaping gracefully. He never jerks out of the way like unskilled bullfighters do. Romero does what Belmonte once did. He “worked always in the terrain of the bull.” “This way he gave the sensation of coming tragedy.” Every time a bull fighter enters the bull’s terrain they are in great danger, and only the best bullfighters can escape. Also Romero truly gets close to the bulls. Many other bullfighters use illusions to pretend to be closer to the bull then they really are. However they still continue to jerk and are not graceful in their actions. Romero understands that if he moves a second too late he can die, but he continues to be graceful under pressure. He is very brace, and always confronts the bulls head-on. These characteristics make Romero very heroic because he exhibits “grace under pressure,” with his bull fighting because he is under pressure of dying, but his movements are always graceful. Also he is very confident in his skills and confronts the bulls head –on. Even though the bulls can kill him, he never backs away from them. Every movement is controlled and graceful.

Modern day heroes are always very confident with what they are doing. They realize that what they are doing could result in death, but they continue to confront their danger head-on. They never seem to be nervous, and believe that there believes will triumph. Their confidence allows them to exhibit “grace under pressure.” For example Martin Luther King Jr. was under constant threat of being killed. He got many death threats, and realized that every time he gave a speech he was in danger of being assassinated. However he did not allow his fear to stop him from doing what he believed in. He may have been scared of dying, but he did not express that emotion when saying his powerful speeches. By acting brave he was able to deliver powerful speeches while under the constant threat of dying. He was able to exhibit “grace under pressure.” During his speeches he didn’t seem nervous, he said what he felt, and moved thousands of people by delivering powerful speeches. Of course he was in a difficult situation but he confronted the danger head-on. Talking about making the black man free angered many white people. He knew it would be dangerous to confront the injustice head-on, but he also realized that that was the only way to do it. You can’t get what you want be going around an issue. If people want changes they have to confront what the real problem is and express their opinion of what they believe the world should be like. Martin Luther King talked assuredly like he knew that one day black would be free and would be treated equal to whites, even though most people thought that would never happen. However by talking confidently that change will happen, many people were able to believe him and trust in his message and act, instead of just hoping for change. Martin Luther King delivered speeches in the wide open in front of many people. He could have been killed and moment, but he didn’t want to hide his message. If he wanted to hide his message he would have delivered his speeches in a basement in safety, but he did not want to do this. He knew the only way for real change to happen is have the whole world hear his speeches and confront the problem head-on. Even though confronting the problem head on put him in more danger, it allowed for real change to happen.